In the aftermath of Rodney King’s assault by police officers in the 90s and his attackers’ subsequent acquittal, Ian Rowe and Nique Fajors grew weary of a public narrative proclaiming that black men in America were doomed to failure under an oppressive system. A feeling of invisibleness struck both Ian and Nique who were then Harvard Business School classmates as the stories of men like them became increasingly ignored in the public eye. So they launched “The Invisible Men,” a documentary telling the stories of amazing black men at Harvard University who achieved success by leaning on the core principles of family, faith, free enterprise, entrepreneurship and grit.
In December 2020 Ian and Nique resurrected “The Invisible Men” as a video podcast. In October 2024 the podcast begins a new season — their message of agency and empowerment is needed more than ever.
Episode 62
Episode 61
Episode 60
Episode 59
Episode 58
Episode 57
Episode 56
Episode 55
Episode 54
Episode 53
Episode 52
Episode 51
Episode 50
Episode 49
Episode 48
Episode 47
Episode 46
Episode 45
Episode 44
Episode 43
Episode 42
Harvard professor Roland Fryer on studying difficult questions with economics (part 1)
Episode XXXI
Harvard professor Roland Fryer on disrupting the false narrative around policing (part 2)
Episode XXXI
Live Episode with John McWhorter
Episode XXXVI
Jason Riley on the legacy of Thomas Sowell and its importance to our future
Episode XXVI
Glenn Loury on the
power of grit
Episode III
Bob Woodson on why 1776 Unites matters right now
Episode IV
Bob Woodson on rescuing American history from “race hustlers”
Episode XXVIII
Shelby Steele on the Powerful Influence of White Guilt
2021 in Review: Advice to Darryl
Episode XXXVII
Ian & Nique on the Olympics and the importance of high expectations
Episode XXXV
Scott Hilton-Clarke on finding your inner music and purpose
Episode XXXIII
Barry Johnson on what it means to be a "possibilitist"
Episode XXXII
Tony Sewell challenges UK government on reason for poor racial outcomes
Episode XL
Kmele Foster on Fatherhood and Seeing Beyond Race
Episode XLI
Theodore Johnson on restoring American patriotism, properly understood
Episode XXX
Ward Connerly on Malcolm X, equality vs. equity, and the Biden presidency
Episode XXIX
Anthony Bradley on a data-centered view of black progress and human flourishing
Episode XXVII
Irvin Scott on the Importance fo Faith & Fatherhood
Episode XXXIX
Washington State Representative David Hackney on stewarding a great education
Episode XXV
James Hill on building crypto business & driving community development
Episode XXIV
Former CIA analyst Yaya Fanusie on finding peace from within oneself
Episode XXIV
Jonathan Newton on finding drive and direction out of a Bronx upbringing
Episode XXIII
Charles Love on the importance of hands-on investing in communities at risk
Episode XXII
David Mahan on building personal and cultural transformation through faith
Episode XXI
Delano Squires on the virtue of strong family life and responsible fatherhood
Episode XX
Chris Campbell's fortitude propelled him to unretire and win an Olympic medal
Episode XIX
Andy McGadney on the transformative power of education
Episode XVIII
John McWhorter on the enduring effects of rhetoric after the Rodney King assault
Episode XVII
Myron White on investing in the success of real-life "Darryl's"
Episode XVI
Eugene Robinson's "New York Hustle" paved a lifetime of strength over adversity
Episode XV
World champion Lee Kemp on the privilege of another battle
Episode XIV
James Stovall's "open door" mindset helped complete successful start-up exit
Episode XIII
Cliff Barber on “spiritual poverty” and the power of faith
Episode XII
Barry Williams, legendary corporate board executive, on excellence in life & business
Episode XI
Rav Arora on thoughtful analysis in an era of identity politics
Episode X
Troy Stovall on reimagining pathways to power
Episode IX
Wilfred Reilly on challenging ideological uniformity in academia
Episode VIII
Vernon Lee on the importance of supporting black entrepreneurship
Episode VII
Gervase Warner on building a culture of forgiveness
Episode VI
ShotSpotter CEO Ralph Clark on improving policing through technology and entrepreneurship
Episode V
How the Piney Woods School is shaping a new era of black excellence
Episode II
30 years later:
Invisible no more
Episode I